Rustic Rye Bread

Sourdough Starter

  1. Mix 1:1 (e.g. 30g/30g) whole grain (organic?) rye flour and lukewarm water
  2. Let sit for 24h at room temperature
  3. Mix 1:1:1 of old mix, flour, and lukewarm water. Discard rest of old mix.
  4. Repeat 2-3 for a week. it should be bubbling by then and smell bready.
  5. Ready to bake, but you can repeat the refreshing for another week to get the culture really going.

If the starter sits around for more than 1-2 weeks, just scrape off the black surface and refresh it 1-2 times until it smells bready again. Can last several months just on the counter.


A. Sourdough

  • 260g water
  • 260g rye whole grain flour
  • 35g of sourdough starter

Mix with a spoon; cover bowl with ceran wrap and let rest until the sourdough has doubled in size. You can also just wait for 12h-24h (shorter in summer heat).

B. Main Dough

Take 50g of the just made sourdough and place it in a jar with the lid closed. That’s the starter for when you bake again in a week.

  • 500g sourdough from the step before
  • 200g rye whole grain flour
  • 200g water
  • 10g salt
  1. Mix in a bowl, I use a spoon. Maybe start out with a bit less water and observe the consistency. It shouldn’t be runny.
  2. Cover and let rest for 30 min at room temperature
  3. Dust work surface liberally with rye flour and carefully scrape dough onto the surface
  4. Dust your hands and form a ball; try not to fold in sections that have fresh flour on them; they will create internal cracks.
  5. Place dough ball in a liberally dusted cheesecloth you placed in a bowl
  6. Let rest for 2h; you should see it rise and break open
  7. Place in oven pre-heated at max temperature (260°C is great); dutch oven or dutch oven lid is great. Do not close the dutch oven.
  8. After 10 minutes, thoroughly vent the oven and reduce the temperature to 200°C
  9. Bake a total of 70 minutes. Crack the oven open a bit for the last 5 minutes to get a crispy crust.
  10. Let cool on a cooling rack and wait at least half a day before cutting the bread.